There are three easy ways to apply: fill out the online form below, download and fill out this PDF form in Adobe Acrobat and email it to us, or simply mail your completed printed PDF form to Blanche Macdonald Centre.
Have you been in touch with a Blanche Macdonald Director? Yes No If yes, please let us know who so we can process your application faster: Please Select...Artika SharmaBarbara JohnstonCelia BicaJashper ParasJaye Wong-KlippensteinJennifer DottJill WynessJosephine LeeKathleen BabbittLise GrahamMary HombrebuenoMiko Sakashita BarberPag YangPamela ChongPearle JungSuggi ZhouSusan Lee-ShipleyVenus Ko
Please note: If you are applying for our Scholarship Program for Black Canadians, please fill out this Application Form. To qualify for this Scholarship Program, you must self-identify as Black. Learn more.
I am applying for the Nail Studio Program Starting on:
Gender, I identify as: Female Male Custom
Please select the pronoun you use: She / Her He / Him They / Them Custom
Date of Birth dd--01020304050607080910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 mm--JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec yyyy----20102009200820072006200520042003200220012000199919981997199619951994199319921991199019891988198719861985198419831982198119801979197819771976197519741973197219711970196919681967196619651964196319621961196019591958195719561955195419531952195119501949
Please provide two contacts:
Please select one of the following:
I am applying as a / an: Canadian Citizen Canadian Permanent Resident International Student
Is English your primary language, or have you taken a minimum two years full-time study in English? Yes No* *If no, TOEFL or IELTS scores are to be forwarded to the school or, as an option, an internal English proficiency test will be provided.
Have you ever had any types of loans (school, personal)? No Yes
Have you ever defaulted on a loan? No Yes
Note: Only Canadian citizens and Canadian Permanent Residents are eligible for federal/provincial student loan funding. As of 2019, the BC portion of student loans is now interest-free.
Please check the appropriate choice(s) below:
I am paying for the program through my own finances I would like to apply for a BC/Canada Student Loan I am obtaining a loan through other means Other
Please note: students must have completed Grade 11, or be 19 years of age or older at the start of their program of study.
Did you graduate from high school? Yes No
Are you 19 years old (or older)? Yes No
What is your highest level of education? Specify your school and area of study, if applicable. High School Diploma Undergraduate Degree Graduate Degree Other
Do you have any education or experience that may relate to the study of Nails? Yes No
Have you studied anatomy or physiology? Yes No
Do you have any health issues/problems that the school should be aware of? Yes No
Are you taking any medications that the school should be aware of? Yes No
Do you have normal hand/eye coordination? Yes No
Do you have any allergies or skin sensitivities that would prevent you from wearing artificial nails? Yes No
Have you ever given a manicure or pedicure to anyone? Yes No
Have you ever worn artificial nails? Yes No
Are you comfortable receiving nail/hand and foot services from others? Yes No
How did you hear about The Blanche Macdonald Centre? Reputation Advertising Facebook Instagram Internet Search Magazine / Newspaper Event Referral Other:
What area of the Nail Industry appeals to you the most? Nail art Gel Acrylic Airbrushing Business development potential Other, please specify
Upon receipt of a completed form, your Admissions Director will promptly review your application. Once you have been accepted into your program of choice, a non-refundable registration fee and an initial tuition payment are required to secure your place in the program. For more information, please connect with your Admissions Director or email [email protected].
Note: course offerings, schedules, tuition fees, facilities and faculty are subject to change without notice. We also reserve the right to cancel or postpone classes due to inadequate enrollment.