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It’s No Myth: Insta-Famous Nail Artist Little Mythy Creates Legendary Nail Looks

It’s No Myth: Insta-Famous Nail Artist Little Mythy Creates Legendary Nail Looks

Whether she’s living her best self at music festivals around the world or staying in the know with the latest fashion trends, Blanche Macdonald Nail School graduate Little Mythy is constantly gathering inspo for her nail creations. With just over 20K followers on Instagram in only a couple of years, she’s carved a niche into the nail world for herself and her outlandish, quirky but always impeccable designs. One look at her pastel coloured, fruit-centric and googly-eye clad creations gives you all the insight you need into their creator: she’s unique, bubbly, meticulous and a lover of absolutely everything that’s cute. So let her tell you all about her “lyfe & nails. But mostly, N A I L S.”

What made you decide that doing nails was something that you wanted to pursue as a career?

Well I was at a point where I felt like I needed something more but I wasn’t really sure what that was. I was and still am interested in a bunch of very different things. That being said I was always super into nails . . . I’d get crazy things all the time – every nail different type-deal. My festival nails were always the biggest hit. In 2014 I was at one of my favourite music festivals (Bass Coast) and I had these rad fruit nails – the amount of people who would ask me over the weekend where I went to get my nails done was just crazy. In my head a lightbulb went off and I just thought, “I need to learn how to do this, all of these people could be my clients”. I decided right there I was gonna go to nail school. I left the festival and I made an appointment with Blanche and I was signed up within a month.

So great to hear! What do you remember most about your time at Blanche Macdonald?

There was a point during my time at Blanche where I was dealing with some pretty major personal things and I wasn’t sure I was gonna continue with the program. It was extremely hard but with the support from my friends and family I was able to stick with it and complete the program. I’m proud of myself for that.

*Side note I also ate waaaaaay too many ham & cheese croissants at that little cafe next door.

Yaas, girl! Good thing you did stick with it! You’ve got some pretty rad and zany nail designs on your page! Where do you get your ideas for your designs / shapes / colour combos?

I’m inspired by 80’s/90’s prints and artists. Saved by the Bell type stuff, lots of shapes and pastel colours. Also lots of fashion & things I see in everyday life.

What has been your favourite set of nails that you’ve done?

That’s hard. But probably anything I’ve done involving painted fruits or my retro pastel pattern nails. Oh actually! I did these nails with googly eyes on them the other day and I think those would be my favourites to date.

Is there training or advice from your program you still remember everyday?

I think all the stuff on how important proper sanitization is really stuck with me. It’s so important.

Extremely important. Ok, so once you were done your program, how did you come to join Classy Claws?

It actually happened fairly naturally; like it was just meant to be. I was constantly commenting on her Instagram, asking questions just being a general keener about what products she used for art/brushes, etc and she was always so good at responding. There was a day where I asked her a bunch of things and she DM’d me and was like “Hey! Why don’t you just call me? Here’s my number” and for some reason I didn’t even hesitate. I picked up the phone and called her right away. We ended up chatting for a solid 30 minutes and she asked me what my plans were after I graduated and I went on to explain how I wanted to work in a cool studio, find someone to apprentice under and just get really good at nail art. She told me she would eventually be looking for an apprentice and that I should keep my eyes on her page. I got off the phone with her and was like “UMM pinch me that was awesome!!” I then proceeded to lurk her instagram everyday until sure enough, she posted that she was looking for someone.

Wow – that’s such a great story! And of course, you got the job. . .

Yep, I emailed my resume, went in for a lengthy interview and got the position a week later!

Taking it was a no brainer for me. Who wouldn’t want to work for Classy Claws?! I had been given a massive opportunity and I jumped on it.

What’s your favourite part of your job?

Getting to be creative everyday, each day is always something new. I haven’t gotten bored of it yet – which is HUGE for me.

On that note: If you were a breakfast food, you’d be ____________ .

A triple stack of banana pancakes w/ lots of butter and maple sizzurp. Specifically, the smaller/thinner ones that are crispy on the edges but fluffy in the centre.

Because those are totally the best pancakes! What’re some of your favourite tunes to get creative and do nails to?

90’s hip hop & r&b.

And when you’re not doing nails, we’d find you _______________ , wearing ________________ .

At music festivals wearing alllllll the accessories – living my best life & being my best self.

Dig. Can you tell us a bit about how you managed to build such a loyal clientele?

It took time. Nearly a solid year of working under Classy Claws. There were also lots of promos and we did a referral program while I was training and that helped me out! But mostly time. I’m still building clientele tbh, and Classy Claws is always accepting new clients.

But you’ve built a killer reputation for yourself which is awesome! What would your advice be to new or aspiring Nail Artists?

Finding someone to apprentice under was the best thing I could have done. I’ve learned sooooo much from Bee. Practice, practice, practice and don’t give up.

Your stellar rep has also gotten you a pretty impressive IG following! What are your top 5 IG tips?

Hey thanks! I’d say being consistent, finding people to collaborate with, posting at least once a day (twice is better) and at a good time. Everyone’s audience is different but mine is usually best in the evenings. And lastly, be patient – it’s not gonna happen over night for anyone.

Who are the top 3 nail influencers that you follow on IG and what do you like about them?

K that is so hard to only pick 3 . . . But if I had to narrow it down it would be… 100% @asabree from @fingerbangportland she is insane!!!! Prob my #1. Like is there anything that girl CAN’T do?! I’d also say @nailjob, @vanityprojects & @vanityprojectsmia & @sohotrightnail. That’s 4 butttttt I can’t choose! I love them all mostly for their fun patterns/natural nails and just overall nail art.

Where are some of your favorite brands to work with when you’re creating looks?

Some of my favourite brands are Akzentz, Vetro, Light Elegance & Young Nails. Oh and Valentino just released an acrylic line which I can’t wait to try!

Give us a little insider glimpse into your daily routine!

I’m usually in a rush to work every day as I’m not a morning person AT ALL and I press snooze a solid 5 times before actually getting out of bed. Luckily I live pretty close to the studio. Coffee is the first thing. If I’m fully booked, that generally means I don’t have a break and I’m back to back from 10 am to 9 or 10 pm. If I finish someone early I’ll run out and grab another coffee and a snack but I don’t often “enjoy” meals at any time during my work day. It’s more just standing in the kitchen area shoving something in my face and hoping I don’t choke or spill coffee on myself (which happens A LOT btw lol *Shout out to my Tide-to-go pen!) while I wait for my next client. Then clean up, close up shop – repeat.

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